These new E-Mail modules fix some problems that would take up to much memory and crash the system. (1/18/92) They replace the version that was released with V.5 of MUBBS. They work OK with version .5 of MUBBS. You MUST delete the "email.headers" and "" files in your "msgs" folder. You might want to let your users know you are going to delete all the mail a few days before you do this. Since this version of E-Mail is pretty solid, you probably wont have to delete your mail ever again (knock on wood). Make a COPY of your "modules" file just incase things don't work out OK. Install the new modules into the "modules" file using ResEdit (select ALL of them, copy and paste them) write right over the old modules in the file (say "YES" when it asks to overwrite them). Then save the NEW modules file and you are done. DONT FORGET TO DELETE THE "EMAIL" FILES IN THE "MSGS" FOLDER! Then log on and send a message to YOURSELF and it will create two NEW E-Mail files in the "Msgs" folder. Now your ready ! This version has been working on the support BBS for some time and is virtually bug free!